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With the release of the final report, the Commission has finished its work and will no longer be responding to inquiries. For a full account of the Commission's work, refer to the final report and other source materials found on this website. All requests for permission to reproduce the Final Report, or any part thereof shall be addressed to the Privy Council Office. 

General enquiries
Privy Council Office
85 Sparks Street
Room 1000
Ottawa, Ontatio, K1A 0A3
Phone: 613-957-5153

Confidential e-mail (No longer available) 

In order to protect the safety and security of those who fear reprisals if they provide information to the Commission, the Commission has created an email address that you can use to transmit information to the Commission in confidence. 

Please send any confidential correspondence to the Commission at Please note this e-mail address is no longer in service.

The Commission has put strict measures in place to protect the confidentiality of any information provided through this email address.

Encrypted Messaging (No longer available)

For those who may feel more comfortable providing information to the Commission using encrypted means, they may do so through the Signal – Private Messenger app.  Those who already have a Signal account can contact the Commission using our username below.  Others will have to first download the app ( and set up an account before they can communicate with the Commission.  

The Commission’s Signal Username is signal_pifi_epie20.24

Please note the Commission’s Signal account is no longer in service.

The Commission has put strict measures in place to protect the confidentiality of any information provided through this Signal account.